The ruins of Brighton's West Pier. Kodak Gold 200, 35mm.


Welcome to my about page, where you can find a short description about myself, my education, and an up-to-date CV.

My Education

I am a graduate of English and American Literature, who studied at Kent University and received first-class honours. During my degree I was lucky enough to complete both critical and creative projects, which have developed my capability as a writer with strong research skills, as well as the ability to create projects that stand out from the crowd. Of these projects, I am most proud of my third year final piece for a module titled 'Abandoned and Off-Peak'. For this piece I created a multimedia poetry piece that incorporated text, spoken word performance, and visual media in order to simulate the idea of a journey. This piece was a dedicated project of mine and received first-class praise from the University.

About Me

Outside of my education, I have been playing, researching, talking about and writing about video games for as long as I can remember. The first game I ever played myself was Pokémon Sapphire on a Tri-force gold GBA SP when I was 7 years old, and I've been hooked ever since. More recently, I have channelled this passion for the world of gaming into formal written pieces, which you can find under the 'Articles' section of this website. Whether its a great piece of art in its own right, or just an excuse to talk with some friends, gaming (whether it be video games, card games, or table -top roleplaying games) provide amazing moments and plenty to write about. Overall though, no matter the subject matter, what I hope to demonstrate in my own articles, is a dedication to creating engaging and creative stories that are genuinely entertaining to read.